The TLA Philosophy
All Truth is from The One, True, Living God of The Holy Bible. He has graciously revealed His Truth in both a general way through His world (Psalm 19:1-6) and in a specific way through His Word (Psalm 19:7-11) both living and written. The understanding of general revelation, in the study of the world God has made and how it operates, is a process of understanding truth.
This general revelation is found in the study of the sciences. The understanding of special revelation is found in the study of The Bible and it is a product of God’s revelation to man. It is the conviction of a distinctively Christian philosophy of education that one day, when the process is completed, both general and special revelation will completely agree and be consistent.
This general revelation is found in the study of the sciences. The understanding of special revelation is found in the study of The Bible and it is a product of God’s revelation to man. It is the conviction of a distinctively Christian philosophy of education that one day, when the process is completed, both general and special revelation will completely agree and be consistent.

Our Core Values
- We believe in THE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ. We are a Gospel-centered academy. We believe in the exclusive claims of Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of the world. We believe this Good News is the answer for humanity’s problems. We seek to be courageous in teaching and proclaiming this truth.
- We understand WORSHIP to be our ultimate human purpose. We believe education must be more than developing a Christian world-view. Christianity is primarily heart-centered. Learning the important facts of truth must lead us to fulfill our greatest destiny in becoming worshippers of Jesus Christ.
- We know all TRUTH is from God. We value God’s gracious general revelation in the world. We believe science is in the process of understanding this revelation. We value God’s gracious specific revelation in the Bible. We believe this is a product of God’s revelation. When the process finishes it will be consistent with the product since both are from the same creator God.
- We partner with PARENTS in fulfilling the educational goals for their children. It takes a family to raise a child. We believe that parental leadership and involvement is a priority in the life of children, thus we see our role as partners with parents in fulfilling their God-given role to educate their children.
- We value THE KINGDOM OF GOD as our primary pursuit. As Christians we believe in the vitality of the kingdom of God Jesus has established on Earth. We seek to do His will in order that His kingdom will come and His will, will be done on Earth as in Heaven. We seek to be obedient to the laws, love and power of this kingdom.
- We appreciate the DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES of children in the process of their education. “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52). We believe education is a lifelong endeavor but is best served in the formative years by understanding the expectations and needs of each developmental stage.
- We uphold the role of THE BIBLE in the maturity of civilization. Most modern educational methods diminish the role of Western Civilization and the Bible. We believe education is best served by valuing this incredible movement of reformation and renaissance and the plethora of art, literature and music it produced. We believe where the Bible is honored the arts will flourish
- We prioritize CHARACTER BUILDING. What you believe and love determines how you behave. The modern world is collapsing because of a lack of ethics and integrity in the family and in the marketplace. We believe a priority should be placed on character building in the formative years of life that will serve for an entire lifetime.
- We desire to produce SERVANT LEADERS to influence the world. Leadership is all about influence. Christian leadership is all about servant hood. We seek to produce educated servant leaders to bring influence into the world they are called.